“Inheritance is a stellar piece of fiction based on fact that brings Doc Holliday back to life. Fans of the historical fiction genre will add this to their list of favorite books.” – Literary R&R

“…you must first get to know the Southern gentleman–his roots, background and upbringing–in this wonderfully detailed and beautifully written novel.” – www.historical-fiction.com

“…superbly crafted…. Highly recommended for personal reading lists and community library collections, “Inheritance” will leave the reader looking eagerly toward the next installment of what promises to be a truly outstanding trilogy.” – Midwest Book Review

“…completely absorbing. For those enamored of Western legends, Gone with the Wind, or American history in general, this grand epic will be a must-read.”
– www.readingthepast.blogspot.com

“Victoria Wilcox makes it very clear that the West for Doc Holliday did NOT have the connotations associated with the famous exhortation “Go West, Young Man!”. Now there were, to be sure, lots of exciting and interesting things involved — the kind depicted in cowboy movies — but there were also tragic events aplenty, both those which caused Doc to escape to the West and those which produced the further degradation of his life after he became a Western denizen. ” Read more – Forrest W. Schultz Southside Book Reviews

“The Georgia Writers Association’s December workshop was abuzz on Saturday, thanks to Victoria Wilcox, author of Southern Son: The Saga of DOC Holliday trilogy. Through technical difficulties and an unconventional beginning, Wilcox maintained her composure and held attendees spell-bound. She delivered her message with the genuine zeal of a passionate writer, as she filled the room with an extra boost of energy.” Read more – Cynthia Bohannon-Brown, M.Ed. E~author/Editor

Historical Novel Society Magazine by book reviewer Arleigh Johnson: Inheritance: Book One of Southern Son, the Saga of Doc Holliday Read the article here

Until I finished this book, my only real notion of ‘Doc’ Holliday was of a gaunt, thin, possibly drug addicted gun fighter and cohort of Wyatt Earp. This biographical novel, the first in a trilogy, totally blew my mind and changed that whole perception. Read more – Audra Friend, Unabridged Chick Reviews

Victoria Wilcox’s Inheritance begins a trilogy about Doc Holliday, a figure from Wild West lore whose name has been linked for over 100 years with the Earp brothers and the 1881 gunfight at the O.K. Corral. This first volume reveals his little-known origins as a son of the Old South: a sensitive yet hot-tempered young man whose early life, in the hands of this talented storyteller, proves every bit as fascinating as his legend. Read more – Sarah Johnson, Reading the Past

Most of us who have lived in Atlanta or its Southside for a while have probably heard about Doc Holliday living around here and of a special Holliday house in Fayetteville. The official name of that house is the Holliday-Dorsey-Fife House Museum, and the author’s official relationship to it is its “founding director”. And Doc Holliday’s story also is of interest for devotees of Gone With The Wind because Doc is a relative of Margaret Mitchell and of the women she used as models for Scarlett and Melanie. Read more – Forrest W. Schultz

The American public knows several versions of Doc Holliday, depending upon which Hollywood incarnation tickles their fancy. Victor Mature, Cesar Romero, Kirk Douglas, Jason Robards, to name a few. Val Kilmer’s interpretation has most successfully insinuated itself into the American psyche – much of that credit going to the fine dialogue of the screenplay – but Dennis Quaid came closest to reality. Still, it’s all Hollywood. Read more – Mark Warren, Award Winning Author of “Two Years in a Tipi”

“Through her intimate, firsthand knowledge of Doc Holliday, his youthful environs and his living relatives, Victoria Wilcox has discovered and distilled much of Doc’s actual history, weaving it in with passed-down family folklore. This firsthand account of Doc’s travels and acquaintances rivals other historical novels like Gettysburg and Killing Lincoln. Although much of Doc’s life is shrouded in mystery, Wilcox’s Inheritance is the best book yet that traces his life, entertainingly mixing known historical facts with educated guesses. It is a must read for anyone searching for a seamless Doc Holliday biography.” – Don Weber, NY Times bestselling author of Silent Witness.

“A powerful and moving novel. Victoria Wilcox tells Doc Holliday’s story with an intimate voice that is surprisingly fresh and compelling. Here, Doc is alive and his world real — wonderfully so.” – Dr. Gary Roberts, Bestselling Author of “Doc Holliday: The Life and Legend”

“This wonderfully written novel brings together one of the great stories of the American Frontier. Author Wilcox has done a superb job through fiction of creating a sense of time and place and giving us an intriguing look at one of the most controversial figures in the West – Dr. John Henry Holliday.” – Casey Tefertiller, Best selling Author of “Wyatt Earp: The Life Behind the Legend”