As a writer of historical fiction, I’ve spent many happy hours doing background research in museums and historical societies all over the United States, in the islands of the Caribbean, and across the pond to England. Without the history, I’d have no story to tell. And without these wonderful resource centers, I’d have no history.
Now as my way of saying thank-you to the many historians and archivists who have helped me along the way, I offer my free services as a Guest Speaker for meetings and other events. If you run a heritage museum or historical society, please contact me at about coming to visit with your members and guests. You may charge admission for the event and keep the proceeds as my donation to your work. As Founding Director of Georgia’s Holliday-Dorsey-Fife House Museum, I know the struggle of historic sites for funding and publicity and appreciated those speakers who helped us. Now it’s my turn to return the favor and help you!